Six Ways to Make Healthy Eating Easier

Yes, eating healthy can be quite a chore. If that’s the case, then the opposite must also be true and that is certainly the case. Eating in an unhealthy manner is incredibly easy thanks to fast food joints on every corner and how convenient and relatively inexpensive it is to buy and prepare processed foods. A few minutes in the microwave and voila, a high calorie, salty, fatty and low nutritional value dinner is ready to join you in front of the television.
Look, I get it. Most people associate eating healthy with buying unprocessed fruit, vegetables, proteins, and whole grain carbs, then slaving for hours in the kitchen preparing and cooking all that food. However, that isn’t always the case. There is a better way and below are a few tips to help you find that better way.
- Sign up for a healthy food delivery service like, oh, I don’t know. There’s one on the tip of my tongue. One that delivers healthy, pre-prepared, pre-cooked, flash-frozen meals right to your door…Magic-something or other…wait, got it…MagicKitchen! They make it incredibly easy to eat healthy. Just take those delicious meals that arrive at your door and heat them in the microwave, oven or stovetop and voila, a low calorie, low salt, low saturated fat and highly nutritional dinner is ready to join you in front of the television. (Never ordered? Try our new trial packs – 15 meals, no commitment, 20% off AND free delivery!)
- Don’t drink your calories. In other words, avoid sugar-saturated beverages like soda, juices and “sports” drinks. Nothing is easier than simply reaching for a (reusable, not plastic – bamboo’s a great choice) bottle of water when you’re thirsty. Keep a reusable water bottle close by and you’ll be surprised how often you drink from it over the course of your day. If you don’t trust yourself not to drink sugary drinks if they’re available (after all, sugar is addictive), then keep them out of the house, which leads me to the next tip…
- Out of sight, out of mind. Keep your fridge and pantry well-stocked with healthy foods and snacks and NOT with UNhealthy foods and snacks, especially your favorite unhealthy foods and snacks. I constantly tell my wife, “Please stop buying quarts of Haagen Dazs ice cream because, despite the fact that each contains roughly 1,000 calories, if it’s in the freezer, I’m gonna eat it.” Yet she constantly continues to purchase it. Her response? “But you like it so much.” That’s not helping me eat healthy.
- Plan out your meals each week and stick to that plan come hell or high water. Yes, this takes a bit of time and effort on your part, but it makes eating healthier so much easier, especially if you post it in a calendar format on your fridge. After you plan out your meals, you can then use that plan to make your grocery list and, again, stick to your plan despite all the guilty pleasures staring you in the face as you go up and down each aisles.
- Do the prep work ahead of time and double the recipe to produce leftovers. Get all the dicing, chopping, mincing and slicing done whenever you have a free moment in your day. That way, whenever your workday is complete, all you need to do is cook. Also, make more than you could possibly eat at one sitting. (but package away anything extra, don’t eat it!) Leftovers are a beautiful thing to see staring back at you when you open your fridge the next day.
- Stock up on healthy staples (foods that can be used to make a meal in a hurry).That way, when your meal plans go awry, as they often will in your hectic, hurried, harried life, you can quickly throw together as healthy meal. Aside from healthy frozen dinners from MagicKitchen, keep frozen fruits and veggies, healthy grains, like quinoa and brown rice, canned tuna or salmon, nuts, and frozen proteins, like skinless chicken, turkey or pork on hand all the time.
Next time someone tells you eating healthy is too much work, just hand them this post and say, “no, it’s really not.” All it takes is a little pre-planning and will power on your part and I know you’re capable of the former and have plenty of the latter.
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